Friday, February 15, 2013

You're Pissing Me Off - Part 1

So since I'm full of frustration and anger at some random (and some not so random) groups of people tonight, and since I get this feeling on a pretty regular basis, I'm going to start a series, called "You're Pissing Me Off"...

For Part 1 I'm choosing people that need to be taken out back behind a tool shed, blind folded, covered in lemon juice and beaten with a whip until they black out and then are buried alive with nothing but a few gallons of water a couple loaves of bread and a long bendy straw sticking out of the ground to breathe through.

Only then will they be prevented from further pissing me and the other good not-such-complete-and-total-fucking-pricks type of people in this beautiful world of ours.  Let's being:

1) A faker- A liar, a phony...  People who are only around you because you have something to offer them or you have something that they desire and then whenever you stop providing whatever it is they are after, suddenly they are just too busy or too sick or too WHAT THE FUCK EVER to come around.  Fuck these people.  Hard.  With no lube.  And, good riddance.

2)  The "Victim" - You know the type, the one who is a grown ass man/woman that is fully in charge of his/her own life and his/her own choices, but no matter what happens they are the victim.  They are the one who is so mistreated and has just gotten the shit end of the stick and they just can't believe how poorly they are being treated.  Here's a clue for ya prick, since you can't seem to get one on your own; Maybe, people wouldn't kick you to the curb or "mistreat" you or "abandon" you if you would just once in a while take a little responsibility for the things you do and say.  Stand behind your actions for once in your fucking life and admit, "Hey, I messed up."  You're not the fucking "victim of circumstance"- You are the sole creator of those circumstances and while you are sitting with your head hanging low and feeling sorry for yourself take a moment to consider the way you are making the people feel who have no choice but to turn their backs on you because of the way you behave.  Grow the fuck up, have some dignity, and if you're not fucking happy about where you're at in life, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!

3)  Grown-Ups that can't follow simple directions.  Or worse, grown-ups that intentionally do something incorrectly over and over and over again in hopes that you will stop asking them to do it at all.  I mean, it's bad enough when a kid or a teenager does it, but for reals homie, you are a grown-ass man/woman, do what you need to do.  Get the fuck over it.
copyright- who knows... courtesy of Google Image Search

4)  People who misspell memes and ecards and other graphic thingies that go viral on FB or whatever.  Gah, that shit just gives me a twitch.

So- What pisses YOU off!?!?!


  1. Omg you are psychic!! Lol yeah so what pisses me off is supposed friends from your past who show up in a bad situation from their own doing and that dangle their children and God in your face for sympathy and support and you find your self sacrificing five years of privacy watching this bitch (satan) cross to and fro your property daily, slowly realizing that they are complete psychos and shafting you every chance they get!! I thought ya know maybe it was worth it and just maybe I made a difference in that little girls life until you hear the words come out of an eight year olds mouth that they wanna be a stripper like their big sister when they grow up! I wanted to punch her mother in the throat.. I gave an inch and this bitch wanted to take everything I had including my husband pffff if she could.. that experience made me appreciate even more all my true friends that I have had in my life for years who would never ask as much!! I am seriously contemplating writing a book about my experience Cruz I tell ya the devil is in the details you would not believe it!!! I thought psychos were only in the movies!!! As of three days ago after five years this bitch is out of my life and IM pissed!!! I think I need counseling!
    Thanks for letting me spew!!

    1. Hey, i'm nothing if not a good spew-listener (does that sound dirty to you?) Yeah, that must be the person you were eluding to in our last convo :) Crazy people are the worst. I can't believe an 8 year old wants to be a stripper, and to think I felt like a failure when Ladybug announced she wanted to work at Walmart!!!

  2. So two days before she called me up out of the blue, I was in a dark hour and cried out to God in tears to use me!! I should have been more specific cuz he opened my eyes to a sick world that not many see! I saw how screwed up our legal system is as far as children are concerned. In the beginning she convinced me what a psycho her ex husband was and slowly I realized that birds of a feather do flock together and I now know shit I wish I never did. They both should be under the jail! I need to puke right now!!
