Monday, February 18, 2013

Apocalypse Dream


For reals.

I need to see one of those dream analysts or something.  I dream, a lot.  Usually these really trippy things that when I wake up I feel out of breath but I cannot for the life of me remember even the slightest detail about my dream.  But last night, last night was different.  It was frightening.  I woke up in a cold sweat and feeling exhausted and ready to hide under the bed and cry for a while.

The dream started out simple enough- I was in Houston (I don't live there yet, but the plans are in motion and we will be getting our move on within the next week or two).  So, I was in Houston, in this big pretty skyscraper building, with glass windows all the way around one side, looking into downtown.  And I was surrounded by people, people from my past that I vaguely recognize now that I'm awake but in my dream were complete strangers.  These were people who I truly never expect to see again, they are quite distant memories and most of them are from a time in my life where, how can I put this... I never knew most of their "real" names.  Can I just leave it at that?  Great, thanks :)

So there's this lady with twin girls (in real life she had twin boys) and I asked her their names, and she couldn't remember one of the daughter's name but the other was something that started with a "C" (I don't remember).  Hope that wasn't one of those key points that could unfold the hidden truth of my experience. Moving on.  The lady also has another child I think, a very short one with this adorable little afro.  Too cute.

So we put all the kid's into bed and Ladybug is there and she's fast asleep and I'm standing by the windows, looking out at the city when I see this falling star.  I point it out to my friend with the red hair (alias: Phoenix), this girl whom I have not seen nor heard from nor thought of in about 5 years.  And she just blows it off, like it is nothing.  And I continue to watch, and it continues to get bigger and brighter and closer and then suddenly it's falling straight down, straight into the middle of the city and oh-so-close to this huge building that I am in, made almost entirely of glass and what feels like hundreds of stories up.

So it's falling, and I'm panicking inside, I can feel my heart racing and my breath is heavy and then like a bomb that falling star hits, straight down in the middle of all those buildings that I'm looking out into, and it's like a nuclear blast, the mushroom cloud blowing  up into the sky and watching the windows in buildings blowing out, the wave getting closer and closer to me.  I can feel the heat on my face while I'm looking at this through the window and gasping and pulling for people's attention in the building.  The red haired friend and that lady with the children and me, all alone in this skyscraper watching Houston falling apart and catching fire.
this is almost exactly what my dream looked like. creepy.

Then these other women finally notice what is happening and panic ensues.  We're running around, somebody get the children, somebody get supplies.  Somebody get water.  Somebody grab a phone.  I am pulling Aleigh by her foot down the bed towards me, trying not to yell "Wake up, Wake up Bug, get up get up we gotta go we gotta go."  And she's being her usual just-waking-up self, stink-eyeing me like I'm the devil in disguise ( I know that look well, I get it every morning).  So the red haired woman is saying, "Look, there's already a plane flying over us.  They're checking to make sure we're okay."  And I look up (because suddenly I guess there is not a roof on the building? Or maybe we made it up to the roof and I just don't realize? It's a dream, go with it.)  And so I look up and I see this little light streaking across the sky, but then it disappears.  And suddenly another little streak, and another, and another, and before I know it the whole sky is filled with these little streaks of light flying in every direction some short and some long and I realize that it's all falling stars.  Little ones, that are burning up, but I'm filled with panic and sorrow and fear and I rush to fill up a bag with food so that we can get downstairs, get into a basement or a cellar.  The other women are putting all of the children into a shopping cart together and we're going to just carry the cart full of children (like, 6 or 7 in total because apparently children clone themselves in their sleep? IDK) and I'm stuffing all types of stuff into my bag and I'm seeing this fire getting closer and closer and then suddenly--

I'm awake.

Where's Freud when you need him?

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