Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mikaela's Story - Part 2

   My first doctor's appointment, everything was fine. I continued to have my regular appointments every 2-3 weeks as is the norm for a problem-free pregnancy. I told my doctor at every appointment that I hadn't noticed much movement. He just kept saying, "Oh, I'm sure that's normal". Yeah, just for the record, that's not normal. Babies in utero move, it's what they do, it's how their body prepares for life outside the womb. Lesson learned.

   So, we waited and waited until finally , it was time for the gender ultrasound (you know, around 20 weeks). I wanted a boy- I had my girl and I could just see those cute cowboy boots, and pearl-snap shirts, hair gel and ugh! All of it, my mind was going wild.

   So for those of you whom have had an ultrasound before, you know the drill. They do the measurements and what-nots, ask if you would like to know what you're having. They tell you "Look, there's one hand, and another hand... One foot.... Another foot." It's magical, you get to see the little baby tushie, you get to see the little button nose, profile and that creepy alien front view. And they tell you, "Everything looks good." and they say "We will send this all to your doctor and he will see you at your next appointment."

   Well, this ultrasound was similar. I got incredibly lucky, the hospital here in town had a sales rep from the ultrasound machine company there, they were trying out a new machine that included 4D Ultrasound. Oh I was ecstatic. The ultrasound lasted I think around 2 hours, it was long and it was great being able to share it with Mark, my mom and Aleigh (who was pretty much like "WTH is this, i wanna go play").

   There were some notable differences- The tech kept going back to the left foot, they were having trouble getting a good view of it. The baby wouldn't change position, despite the tech's poking and prodding with the ultrasound wand. I commented that no, the baby didn't move much, that I wasn't sure if she moved at all. She had a strong heartbeat, so I wasn't overly concerned. Lesson learned.

   Also, the tech and the sales rep kept looking at each other and talking quietly. I was getting nervous, they didn't seem to be as excited as I was, they seemed concerned. Panic was setting in, so to calm myself, I asked "So, how does everything look?" Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. "We can't really discuss the results. You're doctor will call you if there's a problem."

   Exactly- My doctor should call me if there's a problem. The doctor who I have seen many times before this pregnancy, who's mantras after getting any sort of test (including paps, blood tests, etc.) was "No news is good news." And "If you don't hear from us, everything is fine".

   So, it's a girl. We leave the hospital happy and excited, go out for lunch together and head to Wal-Mart to get the pictures of the ultrasound printed off the disc we were given by the tech. I buy this adorable outfit, white with these big mod-style flowers, a precious little onsie with ruffles. It was beautiful, it was on sale. The first piece of anything I'd been allowed to buy for the baby so far. Oh, Heaven. The entire three weeks between my ultrasound and my next appointment with my doctor, I continued to tell myself that I was imagining things, that everything was ok.

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