Saturday, March 2, 2013

Location, Location, Location

We've all heard it, right?  The biggest most important factor in any type of real estate, be it commercial or residential, buying, selling or opening of any kind-

Location, Location, Location.

Well some people just take it a little too far.  When you're in a larger town, with plenty of small shopping centers all over the place, you don't really think about whether that small business owner or large company put a lot of thought into nearby businesses.  Maybe they do?  I'm not sure because I've never looked into any of that kind of stuff because I'm just your average worker bee.  But today, today was just a slap in the face and I have not been able to stop thinking about it.

We drive about 30 minutes into a nearby college town, and I'm taking in the scenery.  I mean, we went there to go to walmart and to go get me some Wing Stop, but STBH decides he wants a mustard pizza from Dominoes and the journey began.

As we're pulling into the Dominoes parking lot, I see a sign that reads "The Mom and Tot Shop"- A consignment boutique (read: Resale/Thrift Store) that offers children's, junior's, and maternity clothes.  A pretty cool idea, and I'm thinking if it's open, I would like to browse a bit while we wait on the pizza.

And then I see the "Planned Parenthood" building.  I know this is a controversial topic and I'm not trying to take either side, that's not what this post is about.  This planned parenthood building's entrance is, seriously, 3 feet across the sidewalk from the entrance to the boutique.  Three freaking feet dude.

And my mind is racing, my heart is pounding, I am laughing out loud and STBH (Soon-To-Be-Hubs, aka Mark) is looking at me as if I have lost my mind.  I guess I just assumed Planned Parenthood was there first?  But my mind, it's still racing.

  • When the owner of this shop picked this place- Was PP there already?
  • The owner of the boutique, was he/she thinking, "Hey, that's not cool.  Maybe someone should show them that it's not all bad".
  • A decision making, life-altering crossroads at the sidewalk near Dominoes- Explore your choices, know your options, all conveniently located.
  • Sure, raising a child is expensive and selfless and takes an enormous amount of love and care and time and support- But look at these cute freaking onsies.  For reals.
I went on and on about this.  Seriously, for about 20 minutes to the poor STBH and he just shook his head the whole time, laughing, probably at how easily entertained I am, but still!!!
They must have planned that.  One or the other.  Like, "Well, we know what they're offering you on the other side of the sidewalk, but come in here for a minute and just you and me talk...."

"I know, that seems a lot easier.  But have you just ssseeeennnnn the adorable clothes they have for babies!?  And clothes for you too, young college girl- Just come see.  Just for a minute..."

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I don't believe in those types of coincidences- I just don't.  Not even a little bit.

What do you think?  Clever realtor?  Cruel joke?  Or am I just too damn bored and need to get a hobby?  Feel free to weigh in!!!

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