Monday, January 7, 2013

Embrace The Crust!!!

So I've been inspired by this amazing blogger that I read here - Doyin over' at Daddy Doin' Work wrote about the loss of his longtime friend, Wade.  In the post, he writes about needing to love the crust of people, including yourself.  So, in honor of the new year, we are going to admit to our crusty bits (not intended as gross as it sounds) and we are going to embrace them.  Prepare to be crusted!!  I'll start with me:

  • I eat ice- Constantly.
    I list this because it drives Mark totally bonkers, but it's just a habit I have.  I mean, it's not like I'm on meth and constantly smokin' it up, it's frozen freaking water.  It could be worse.  Embrace that shit.
  • I cuss too much.
    I'm not sure there's actually a "bright side" to this, and I tell myself all the time "I'm going to stop doing that" but I fucking slip up without realizing it.  Maybe one day, one New Years Resolution at some point. Maybe, damnit, maybe.
  • I'm judgemental.
    I hate a Judgy McJudgerson, I really do.  But all too often I will hear/see/read something and I catch myself making a snap judgement on the issue.  I keep these judgements to myself,  I catch myself doing it and reprimand myself for doing it.  I hate when it happens.  But I have the best of intentions and the utmost respect for others in my heart, just sometimes that heart-to-brain wave takes a couple of seconds to catch up.  I silently repent, every time.  I love everybody, including their crusts. I truly, deeply do.
  • I'm lazy.
    I wish I had just a little touch of OCD, just a smidgen to help kick me in the ass to get things done around here.  But my house is not "dirty", it's cluttered, and very lived in.  I'm not a person of filth nor do I enjoy living in that type of environment, and I am trying to get better.  The biggest problem is:
  • I procrastinate.
    I'm definately an "I'll do that tomorrow/later/whenever" type of gal.  I'm actually getting better about it, sometimes.  Sometimes I do it just for the hell of it.
  • I have no follow-through.
    I am the queen of unfinished projects.  Case in point, my Domestic Violence series.  I'm not done writing it, I'm not going to stop with My Story. But I always have this flash of motivation to do things and then that passes, not because it's not important.  I think this really falls deep into the "Procrastination" layer of my crust.  These layers are definately connected.
So I'm sure that's just the tip of the tip of the iceburg of my issues, but all in all, I'm really not such a bad person.  I love deeply everyone around me, and I have been a bitch and a bad friend and a bad girlfriend and a bad daughter.  Who hasn't had those times in their life that they look back on and go, "What the hell was wrong with me?"  But I don't live my life looking back with constant regret and sorrow.  I can take these things I don't love about myself and admit, "yes, I could be/do/say/act better or differently, but I'm me. And I'm okay with that."  Are you brave enough to embrace the crust?  Are you committed to loving the crust in others, as they should love the crust in you?

I dare you, all of you, the embrace your crust, right here, in this blog.  Leave me a comment below, or on my FB Page, telling me about you or your partners crust, just one thing, that is the not-so-glamorous, that you embrace, that you cherish, that you just put up with 'cause you love 'em.


OH!! And Keep a watchful eye out for Part 2 of Embrace Your Crust, assuming my partner in crime *coughLIZZYcough* will ever write her part. ;)

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